Coronavirus 15 Tips for your Workplace & Office

A selection of recommendations and tips for employees and employers against the Coronavirus COVID-19 for your Workplace.

Article updated on 28.4.2020.

Workplace COVID-19 Prevention Tips

  1. Have closed waste bins available for employees.

  2. Employees: Dispose paper tissues after use in a closed waste bin.

  3. Most important: Do not touch your face.

  4. Since the Coronavirus might survive several hours in the air, regularly open windows to let fresh air in.

  5. Disinfest the screens of your mobile phone, desktop, laptop, your keyboard and mouse on a regular basis.

  6. Work from home (if possible). (ad companies encouraging remote work)

  7. Avoid using any public transportation during rush hours.

  8. Wash your hands. This should be the first thing you do after entering a new building. Wash your wrists and the space between your fingers too. (Video)

  9. Avoid shaking hands.

  10. During meetings, keep your distance to your co-workers.

  11. If you sneeze or cough, use the crook of your arm or a paper tissue/handerchief (Video)

  12. Read the official health information of your region:

  13. Take care of your Immune System. Some natural general health tips (not saying that this is a cure against Corona, but saying that it generally helps strengthen your immune system :) are:

    • Eat enough (organic) fruits and vegetables (at least 5 a day)

    • Exercise regularly (at least 20’ each day)

    • Try to minimize stress (e.g. with these digital wellbeing tips)

    • Sleep enough and regularly

    • Drink lemon juice (e.g. every morning)

    • Generally drink enough clean still water (2-3 liters per day)

    • Ginger and equinacea might help too

    • Avoid foods and drinks which weaken your immune system (alcohol, cigarettes, sweets, unhealthy foods).

    • Research and read about the human immune system (e.g. “How to boost your immune system” by Harvard Health Publishing).

  14. Make sure managers know how to spot symptoms of coronavirus and are clear on any relevant processes, for example sickness reporting and sick pay, and procedures in case someone in the workplace develops the virus (

  15. Stay calm, though this virus is contagious it’s mortality is low, keep that in mind.

If you have Symptoms

  • Stay home if you have respiratory symptoms (coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath) and/or a temperature above 37.8°C (source).

  • Report it with your house doctor and only go to a doctor's office or emergency room after telephoning.

How is the new coronavirus transmitted?

By close and prolonged contact: If you’re closer than two metres to a person who has con-tracted the illness for more than 15 minutes.

By droplet infection: If one person sneezes or coughs, the virus can be transported directly to the mucous membranes in the nose, mouth or eyes of other people.

Via your hands: Infectious droplets can get onto your hands from coughing and sneezing. Or you come into contact with a surface contaminated with the virus They can then get into your system if you touch your mouth, nose or eyes.

(Source: Swiss Federal Office of Public Health, 31.3.2020)

Incubation: How long is the period between infection and the appearance of symptoms?

Most estimates of the incubation period for COVID-19 range from 1-14 days, most commonly around five days. These estimates will be updated as more data become available. (WHO 31.3.2020)

When do people become contagious?

Anyone contracting the new coronavirus is infectious for a long time. Namely:

  • A day before symptoms appear, so before you even notice that you’ve contracted the disease;.

  • While you are experiencing symptoms of the illness. That is when you are most infectious.

  • Until at least 48 hours after you have recovered.

(Source: Swiss Federal Office of Public Health, 31.3.2020)

Can the new coronavirus be transmitted by packages or imports of goods?

As a rule, a virus can only survive a few hours on objects. This means that packages (such as toys and other items) taking several days to get here are harmless.

(Source: Swiss Federal Office of Public Health, 31.3.2020)

Can the new coronavirus be transmitted via food?

So far there are no known cases of the new coronavirus being transmitted via foodstuffs.

(Source: Swiss Federal Office of Public Health, 31.3.2020)

=> Thanks a lot to B.Yoga for the help in developing this overview of important health recommendations on the Coronavirus.


Disclaimer: Please be aware that the situation changes continuously and that the statements on this website regarding health aspects or business recommendations are exclusively for information purposes and cannot substitute professional advice.